Monday, February 4, 2013

Loose ends

I have made my own beeswax sealer for our crafts. I used one ounce beeswax and four ounces jojoba oil...Melted by placing glass jar in water on the stove. Pour into a jar and stir every few minutes so it doesn't separate.

I applied wax to the wooden rings after a while I wiped off the extra.
I cut ribbon in approximately sixty inch pieces then folded in half to loop around the ring. I then stitched the ribbon together so they wouldn't fall off.
Hand kites...I had more fun then they did. I found it weird because I have seen them twirl around the house with toilet paper for hours.

We made salt dough.
One cup salt
One cup flour
Half cup water

Hearts are for our valentines and then we made handprints.
I wish I could take credit for the wonderful play on words but alas the idea wasn't mine.
I can not remember the exact site but it is a good bet I found it on Pinterest ;)

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