Monday, February 4, 2013

What is this!

This snack mix is usually made with chocolate but this version I found is made with Nutella. We love Nutella in this household, like most I am sure.

Melt one stick butter with a little more than one cup Nutella in sauce pan over medium low heat.
In a bowl add six cups chex and one and half cups salted nuts, pour Nutella mixture over the top and stir. Completely coat cereal.
Place cereal in sack and add one and half cup powdered sugar.
Let cool then enjoy!

Loose ends

I have made my own beeswax sealer for our crafts. I used one ounce beeswax and four ounces jojoba oil...Melted by placing glass jar in water on the stove. Pour into a jar and stir every few minutes so it doesn't separate.

I applied wax to the wooden rings after a while I wiped off the extra.
I cut ribbon in approximately sixty inch pieces then folded in half to loop around the ring. I then stitched the ribbon together so they wouldn't fall off.
Hand kites...I had more fun then they did. I found it weird because I have seen them twirl around the house with toilet paper for hours.

We made salt dough.
One cup salt
One cup flour
Half cup water

Hearts are for our valentines and then we made handprints.
I wish I could take credit for the wonderful play on words but alas the idea wasn't mine.
I can not remember the exact site but it is a good bet I found it on Pinterest ;)

Up again

Well I have been up for over an hour now (its after 3am) and unfortunately this is a common occurrence. I suffer from severe anxiety and this causes a lot of problems. I have been doing some reading because doctors are to busy to really help. They just keep throwing pills at me. All the problems I have could be caused by or made worse by low thyroid. You can have low thyroid but still be in the normal range. Side note I am running on one thyroid as it is because of a goiter that was large enough to be consider a small tumor. I had it removed and luckily it wasn't cancerous but now I live everyday with anxiety and a laundry list of other problems. Okay enough pity party, did you know you could watch Super Bowl commercial from the past six years on Hulu Plus? Well I know you can because I just spent thirty minutes watching random commercials. I love laughing it helps so much. I had to give up things when I started having panic attacks, like no more House or any other medical show :( On the flip side I can't watch Without A Paddle or Because I Said So enough times. I also found out I can no longer fly without being heavily medicated and once I am there I can't do anything but hide out in my room and cry and pray for it to be over. How would you like to go to Vegas with this girl :) It would be funny if it weren't so sad and feel so real.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sesame Street books

This series is from my childhood and since I am of the older parenting group...they might be considered a collectors item.  Not my set though, they have now been destroyed and "we" lost one. I have kept these for at least thirty years but my kids did their thing to them in a few short weeks. :) any who! We made monster cookies from the first book. We thought it was weird there weren't any cooking directions but the ingredients looked legit so we proceeded...mixing in extras because who doesn't...with chocolate chips and toffee bits cooking was under way.  We finished the book and with that found the rest of the directions further along in the book. They were supposed to be sugar cookies...haha...i think ours were probably better!   Good day!

It got quiet fast :/

Three seconds of alone time is all it takes to make a snow storm with flour

Tamale night

My baby is getting big too!

Rory is getting so big!