Saturday, May 26, 2012

Yarn coral

First stop on our two week vacation, Putnum museum in Davenport Iowa.  Dinosaur exhibit didn't go over quite as well as I hoped.  They moved and made noise, it freaked Maggie and Finn out.

Friday, May 18, 2012

The rest of my garden is finally going in.  In the background is kale and onions. The beets and cabbage are popping up.  Peppers and tomatoes are in.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Okay, I started P90x last Sunday and I already skipped a day and probably two because I am not feeling it today.  I spent a good portion of the week struggling to walk.  Now I just need the motivation to continue and the willpower to stay away from all the sugar I consume daily.

I know I am behind on all things cool but today I discover the Rockstar Diaries blog...Love IT!  I recently bought the Pioneer Woman cookbook and found out she has a blog too!

Only two more weeks until we leave on our road trip to Florida to visit my mom.  To keep us on schedule, I have booked our rooms for the trip done.  I used my Iowa State Alumni discount and saved 20% on all the rooms.  I am so excited about that.

Last night we had walk tacos (with ground turkey) for supper and puppy chow for dessert.   Not at all healthy, but it was so good!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

This is what I have been eating for breakfast the past four weeks.  Steel cut oats, greek yogurt, and fruit.  Healthy heart and digestive tract, don't know about the former but the latter is questionable :)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Maggie is ready for vacation.  In three weeks, we are taking a two week road trip to visit my mother in Florida.   I should have plenty to talk about.  And that is our ancient tv...she won't die:)

My baby! I didn't have brothers so he is a whole new experience.

Okay, it has been awhile, a long while.  I have a terrible habit of starting something with good intentions, then 10 mins pass and I have completely forgot about it.  I am trying to change that, so I am back and I have a mission.  Several things have changed since i was last on here.  I went out and got a job.  It had been four months and the guilt still gets me.  Maggie and Finn will both be starting school soon and I feel I went back to work to soon.  I am going to miss two to three years of mom and babies time.  It hurts when I think about it, but it is done now and I am dealing with it the best I can.  Aaron and I have finally decided to start building our house on the farm.  Don't get me wrong, I appreciate everything his parents have done but we need out of their house. :)  So between our kids, my job, and our new housing adventure I should have a lot to talk about.  Also I bought P90X two months ago, so maybe that you now know I will actually start it..hahaha.  Look forward to sharing my stories and pictures.  I hope you enjoy them.