Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I am having trouble figuring out where to start.  All these thoughts and frustrations, but what is appropriate to share.  What direction do I want to take this blog?

Here I am...holding the first produce from our garden. It turned into more of a weed patch as the summer went on, but we were able to salvage some things.
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This is Maggie...the instigator.
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This is my baby...Finn. He only likes RIO and thought 2am was a good time to wake up and watch it.
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Friday, August 26, 2011 fellow bad cop.
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I'm excited to start this blog.  I'm a stay at home mother of two.  Maggie just turned three and Finn will be two in November. As you can imagine, home life can be quite, let say entertaining. HAHA. I will post pictures, partner in crime stories, and the frustrations I feel.  Hope you all enjoy.